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Email *
Company Name *
Website URL: *
Industry or Niche: *
Main Products/Services You Offer: *
Target Audience: *
Current Website Issues: *
Current Traffic and Analytics Data: *
Website Analytics Access: *
What are your goals with SEO? *
What are your expectations from SEO? *
What are you hoping to accomplish in a new SEO partnership? *
What is your average customer lifetime value (CLV)? *
What are your long-term goals for your company? *
Target Keywords: *
Geographic Focus: *
Is there a target page or funnel where you want to convert visitors into customers? *
Do you have a designer or developer who can make website changes for you? *
Do you have someone who writes copy for your website?
Who are your main competitors? *
are an for
What’s your company’s position in the market? *
Who else is part of the decision-making process? *
Have you ever worked with an SEO company before? *
If yes, how long have you worked with your current or previous SEO company?
Additional Information or Special Requests: